Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nazi Preparation for War Essay

The Nazis came to power in 1933. They began introducing a set of ideas into German society. These ideas were based on the Nazi ideology, outlined by Hitler’s book â€Å"Mein Kampf†. This essay will examine how the Nazis’ attempted to ‘educate’ German society to integrate their ideological beliefs, and whether these were all designed as a preparation for war. There were a number of different aims for the youth in Nazi Germany and therefore their education needed to be suitable. Education methods created a loyal following for Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were aware that education to the German youth would create loyal Nazis by the time they reached adulthood. Their overall aim was to create a generation of racially pure Germans who were ready to do what Hitler asked of them and most importantly; serve their country. Therefore it was necessary to mould young boys into being prepared for war. Education is supposed to open closed minds to liberate the minds of the youth and of the ignorant. It aims make a person to be an independent thinker. However in Germany under the Nazis the purpose for education was to close the minds. Leading Nazis stated that â€Å"the whole purpose of education is to create Nazis†. Education played a very important part in Nazi Germany in creating a loyal population of youth. The Nazis were aware that education would create loyal youth by the time they were adults. The pupils were made to believe in Hitler, and the youth movement made sure that they would not even think of opposing him. Education meant indoctrination. Hitler used the schools to reinforce Nazi ideas. The school curriculum was changed, to serve the Nazi purpose. Physical education, Biology, German and History were given special emphasis. Science had a military slant to it and focussed on chemical warfare and explosives. Maths dealt with social issues and artillery calculations. History was changed in classes to uphold the glory of Germany, the Treaty of Versailles was described as the work of jealous nations, and hyperinflation in 1923 was said to be the work of Jewish saboteurs. Biology became a study of the different races. It aimed to ‘prove’ that the Nazi belief in Aryan racial superiority was correct. All teachers had to be accessed by local Nazi officials. Any teacher considered disloyal was sacked. Nazi curriculum classes were held during school holidays and most teachers attended. In 1933 the NSLB (National Socialist Teachers League) had 6,000 members, by 1937 it had 320,000 members. This meant that about 97% of all teachers had joined the NSLB. Teachers taught their pupils that Jews, and socialists were the cause of all Germany’s problems. This is evident in exam questions that showed the government’s anti-Semitic views, â€Å"A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw the international centre for Jewry. It bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty ? †. Girls were indoctrinated into following the 3Ks: Kinder (Children), Kiche (Kitchen) and Kirche (Church). Girls had to learn first aid and help on the land. But with the Nazis concerned about the falling birth rate and scared Germany would become a second class power, girls’ main aim was to reproduce. Hitler wanted a ‘master’ race, so he encouraged women to produce Aryan babies. Organisations that promoted family planning were banned and doctors who carried out abortions on Aryan women were given a two year jail sentence. There were many youth organisations for girls to join, all controlled by the Fuhrer. Girls could join in the ‘Jung Madel’ (young girls) between the age of ten and fourteen. The ‘Bund Deutscher Madel’ (the league of German maidens) for fourteen to eighteen year olds. And the ‘Glaube und Conceit’ (faith and beauty school) for eighteen to twenty-one year olds. The League of German Girls offered a chance for them to get out of the house and do sport, singing, hiking camping, etc. â€Å"In the League of German Girls could escape from the ties of domesticity and from the female role-model of child care and devotion to family† As with the girls, youth organisations were set up for boys. There was the ‘Pimpfen’ (little fellows) for six to ten year olds, ten to fourteen year olds had to pass an exam to join the ‘Deutches Jungvolk’ and ‘Hitlerjugend’ for fourteen to eighteen year olds. After this the young adults would join either the ‘Reich Labour service’ or the ‘Wehrmacht’. There was also a patrol service who would check that all the members of the Hitler Youth were looking smart and that they were carrying a clean handkerchief and comb. Young boys were taught to concentrated on boxing, shooting, marching, athletics and military exercises. Hitler had stated that he wanted boys who could suffer pain â€Å"a young German must be †¦ as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel†. Team games were also encouraged because it gave boys a sense of unity. Most boys were made to take proficiency tests, these tests involved marches. On average the boys had to march 15 miles a day. These journeys were aimed at teaching young boys the history of their ancestors. Both boys and girls would go to summer camp. Summer camps promoted unify and the idea of working in a team. It is obvious that education policies and the introduction of the Hitler Youth was aimed at preparing the youth of Germany for war. Hitler wanted a thousand year Reich, and wanted the German youth to understand the imperative of war. Baulder von Schirach was appointed Youth Leader of the German Reich in June 1933 and it was his objective to make the Hitler Youth the leading German youth organisation. When Schirach took over leadership in 1933 the Hitler Youth had 55,000 members. Various methods were used to persuade boys to join the Hitler Youth. Teachers influenced youngsters to join, it became difficult for those outside the Hitler Youth to get jobs and apprenticeships were granted to members. Although membership rose significantly, in March 1939 it became compulsory to join the Hitler Youth and it claimed 7. million members, â€Å"What quickly became the largest youth organisation in the world subscribed to the philosophy of youth leading youth†. The first purpose of the Hitler Youth was to prepare and train young boys to become soldiers of the third Reich, that the nazis would have full control off. Hitler had always held the same three main aims: to reverse the Treaty of Versailles, to unite all the German-speaking people and to grant the nation more ‘living space’ (lebensraum). Hitler knew he not achieve these aims alone, and therefore he needed a strong, dependable, loyal army. The young boys of Germany were going to be this army, and the young girls of Germany were going to give birth to his new soldiers. He took children early, and put a lot of effort into making the Hitler Youth an organisation with military instincts. To achieve the great army Hitler craved the nazis had to incorporate military training with psychological preparation. An important part of this aim was the Hitler Youth’s ‘military athletics’ (wehrsport). This included war activities, which taught the youth psychical strength and military tactics that soldiers would need in war. For example grenade throwing, needed on a battlefield, trench digging gave boys strength and endurance, map reading taught intelligence and teamwork. Also activities like wrestling matches between boys were arranged to prove how manly they were, â€Å"It was the National Socialist youth leaders method that everything took the form of competitions†. The Hitler Youth boys were taught to pick on the weaker members within each group. If a boy lost a wrestling match or failed in a task, they were picked on. Severe cross country hikes and marches left boys in hospital. This shows how far the Nazis would go in search of their beliefs; to create a perfect, Aryan army. Boys also had to learn Nazi dogma, (nazi beliefs) and once they passed the necessary tests they were given a special dagger marked â€Å"Blood and Honour† which was more propaganda for the boys to train hard. They all wanted to achieve this special dagger, it gave the boys an aim, and a feeling of achievement when they fulfilled their challenge. For those who failed, they suffered great humiliation. The second purpose of the Hitler Youth movement was to prepare young men psychologically for war, through a flooding of Nazi ideology. Training the boys, making them strong, and preparing their bodies for fighting, would not be sufficient enough, Hitler had to prepare the youth’s minds too. Forcing Nazi ideals on children mainly depended on teachers, and Hitler Youth Movement (HYM) group leaders delivering them. Hitler knew that if boys were going to die for him he would have to give them a reason to. This was also the case with girls, if they were going to give up their jobs, and lives, to give birth to large numbers of ‘pure’ German babies they had to have a reason to. He wanted to indoctrinate young people so that they accepted Nazi ideas, beliefs, and values to become ideal nazis; the building blocks for the people’s community. Hitler seized advantage of the young and innocent minds plaguing them with Nazi ideology. The HYM meetings were shaped to allow for this, they gave lectures and speeches on the superiority of the Aryan race and the evil of the communists and the Jewish. Like the HYM the school curriculum was designed to reinforce the Nazi values. The curriculum was ripped apart as subjects tried to prove that the nazis were superior. â€Å"Racial instruction† started at the age of 6. Nazi leaders had children under their full control at all times, as Hitler Youth membership became compulsory. Propaganda techniques including movies, radio, posters and magazines, aswell as the education system and Hitler Youth meetings all influenced the opinions of the youth. The third purpose of the Hitler Youth was teach boys to become future leaders of the Nazi society. Hitler wanted his Reich to prosper for a thousand years, and he wanted superiority over other nations. He wanted Germany to be a super-power. To do this he needed the best Generals, Officers, Senior Officers, etc. nd the Hitler movement was structured to accomplish his aim. Those boys who were considered physically fitter and stronger than the rest went to Adolf Hitler Schools. Here, they were taught to become the future leaders of Germany. The very best pupils went to Order Castles. Here pupils were trained to the limits of physical endurance. Students endured 6 years of tough training and those who graduated at 18 from Order Castles would be granted a high position in the army or the SS (Hitler’s personal army). The fourth purpose of the Hitler Youth movement was to ensure loyalty to the fuehrer himself. Hitler knew that he had ensure that children were not open to any ideas, and were just fed nazi propaganda. He needed them under his full control, and had many different ways of achieving this. Nazis censored cinema and radio in a bid to glorify Hitler. As children walked to school Hitler’s speech’s would be on the radio, when they went to films with their friends, commercials glorifying Hitler would appear. Young minds were banned from listening to American radio stations, for fear that non-nazi influences would pollute their minds and bring them the truth. They were made to believe that the Nazi way, was the only way. When trying to capture these young minds, hearts, and souls, the Nazis offered many incentives. The nazis gave a purpose to children and a sense of belonging and importance. The Nazis controlled young rebelliousness into aggressive military activities. They wanted to make sure that the youth’s had no reason to object, and rebel, and incentives such as uniforms, knives, drums, etc. kept them happy. Although sometimes severe, beatings and canings to rebels occurred. These were used as examples to stop others from attempting to rebel. This is evident when looking at the edelweiss pirates. They opposed the Nazis by beating up Hitler Youth members, and writing anti-nazi slogans on the walls. 283 gang members were arrested, resulting in 124 pirates being executed. â€Å"The Gestapo and Hitler Youth brought to bear an armoury of repressive measures that ranged from individual warnings, temporary detention†¦to criminal trial or death† . The fifth purpose of the Hitler Youth involved the fact that the Nazis wanted to Restructure German society, and the selection process. Hitler needed a strong, and pure government, one that would not fail as the Weimar republic did. He abandoned the democratic selection process, as he knew that this may result in being a risk to his Reich. To achieve his aims, the youth movement was presented models and ideals of what they should be like when they grew older. For example, propaganda posters showing ‘ideal families’ were used, girls were taught to wear simple clothes, tie their hair in a bun, and discouraged from work. Whereas boys were encouraged to be strong and militant. Those boys who achieved the ideal nazi characteristics, like strong physical ability were rewarded with a position high in the system. Girls that bared children were also rewarded on a special day that was Hitler’s Mothers birthday. Hitler also knew that for children to become good leaders, they had to take responsibility and urged them to inform teachers if they heard anyone denouncing Nazi beliefs, or not adhering to Nazi ideals, â€Å"Denunciations of parents by children was encouraged, not least by school teachers who set essays entitled- what does your family talk about at home? †. The Hitler youth patrols co-operated with the Gestapo and were trained in policing, traffic control, and fire fighting. This motive was effective, and helped Hitler create a whole new generation who helped in sustaining fear in the opposition by acting as informants, in Hitler’s totalitarian terror-state . It is evident that the Hitler Youth movement was carefully structured and shaped to allow for its many different aims. However it is obviously that the prospect of war was a key theme throughout all the possible purposes for the Hitler Youth, â€Å"the desired educational goal of the technically skilled yet soldierly warrior†. Young children had Nazi ideas influencing them at all times, not only whilst they were at school but also from films, music, media, friends, church and family. Even whilst they were at Nuremberg rallies, they would be shown extracts of last year’s rallies and how the older generation were enthusiastic supporters of the Nazi State. Hitler made a speech at the Nuremberg Rally, 14 September 1935, in which he stated the exact nature and purpose of the Hitler Youth. â€Å"What we look for from German youth is different from what people wanted in the past. In our eyes the German youth of the future must be slim, slender, and as swift as the greyhound†. They were indoctrinated with the idea that they had to sacrifice themselves for the good of the Fuhrer and Germany. This â€Å"Cradle to Grave† control, was enforced to create the Nazis of the future and indoctrinate them into thinking that they had to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation. The positive reasons for joining the Hitler Youth were that there were children from all classes of families and there were no social or class distinctions. Also the appeal of the Hitler Youth was the novelty, the drill, the uniform, the camp life and the fact that school and parental control and home took a back seat compared to the community of young people. However shortly before Germany lost the war, Germany found themselves drastically running out of adult fighting men so youth members were forced onto the front. They were too young, had little training, no experience, and facing an allied army determined to win, it was evident the Hitler Youth was not as well-prepared for war as Hitler thought.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mind and Matrix Essay

Epistemology is the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is important when considering what is reality and what is deception. The movie â€Å"The Matrix† displays a social deception in which Neo, the main character, is caught between what he thought was once reality and a whole new world that controls everything he thought was real. If I were Neo, I would not truly be able to know that I was in the matrix. However, it is rational to believe that I am in the matrix and will eventually enter back into my reality later. The proof that that I can know that I am in the matrix and that I will return to reality comes from the responses of foundationalism, idealism, and pallibalism. To begin, foundationalism is the essence of what we are certain of. Many philosophers argue on the basis of foundationalism to find out where knowledge begins. This will help determine if Neo would be able to know or not know if he is dreaming up the matrix or in fact that it is reality. The popularity of foundationalism starts with Descartes. He challenged the previously popular skepticism. In Descartes Meditations he discusses many issues relating to the question of â€Å"where does knowledge come from? † His main arguments appear in his dreaming argument. He first begins by stating 1. I often have perceptions very much like the ones I usually have in sensation while I am dreaming. Then he goes on to say 2. There are no definite signs to distinguish dream experience from waking experience. These two premises lead to the conclusion that 3. It is possible that I am dreaming right now and that all my perceptions are false. This shows that there is no real way to know to know anything. Descartes add to his argument using foundationalism. â€Å"‘Throughout my writings I have made it clear that my method imitates that of the architect. When an architect wants to build a house which is stable on ground where there is a sandy topsoil over underlying rock, or clay, or some other firm base, he begins by digging out a set of trenches from which he removes the sand, and anything resting on or mixed in with the sand, so that he can lay his foundations on firm soil. In the same way, I began by taking everything that was doubtful and throwing it out, like sand †¦ (Replies 7, AT 7:537)’ (Lex, Newman)†. This explains how foundationalism works; you must remove all of your doubt to advance to the foundationtion of which you are sure of. This is called the method of doubt. Once you know what you are sure of, you can build up knowledge from there. Many wonder how we can wonder we are not dreaming. Some agree that you cannot feel pain in a dream, but others say they have. The argument that dreams are not related to memory is strong because most people do not remember their dreams. Descartes explains that in a dream you can feel as if you are using all of your senses, but they seem to be more vague than when awake. Descartes struggles with the dream issue until he comes upon his conclusion. â€Å"‘I now notice that there is a vast difference between [being asleep and being awake], in that dreams are never linked by memory with all the other actions of life as waking experiences are. †¦ But when I distinctly see where things come from and where and when they come to me, and when I can connect my perceptions of them with the whole of the rest of my life without a break, then I am quite certain that when I encounter these things I am not asleep but awake. (Med.6, AT 7:89-90)’ (Lex, Newman)†. This dream argument attributes to how we can know anything. For Neo’s sake it helps him decide weather he is really in the matrix or not. In addition to foundationalism proving that knowledge is built up from what we are certain of, idealism plays an important role of arguing that all reality is in the mind. Descartes’ argument for idealism explains how knowledge of reality is possible. He goes through the process of using an example like a pen and justifying its existence. There are 3 steps to this process: 1. I know I perceive the pen. 2. To exist is to be perceived (Berkeley). 3. I know the pen exists. Another philosopher, Berkeley, argues esse est percipi, which translates to â€Å"to be is to be perceived†. This means that if you are perceived you exist and the same thing goes for reality. There are issues that argue against idealism; one of these arguments is that we have no conception of unperceived matter. As soon as you perceive it you can conceive it. The only problems with this argument are the fact that many people perceive the distant path. An example of this is the â€Å"Big Bang† theory. Also the perception of the atom and distant galaxies furthermore cause a problem. So idealism still stands strong. Neo’s perception of the matrix exists so therefor Neo believes that the matrix is real. Yet there remains one more response to furthermore prove that Neo is rational to believe he is in the matrix. This is the response to Pallibalism, the theory that knowledge does not require certainty. This response goes about saying that we are certain of our minds and our own existence. Neo has knowledge of the matrix, but there is no certainty with his knowledge. Noe is able to perceive the surroundings around him in the matrix and he can be sure he is not dreaming, but he can not know for sure if the matrix is truly real. The case for this is that he could be just a brain in a Vat in a giant virtual reality. Another example similar to â€Å"The Matrix† is â€Å"The Trueman Show†. In this case it is a local deception rather than a social deception. Pallibalism agrees with foundationalism and idealism in the fact that knowledge is an abstract notion and the only thing that one can be certain of is them selves. Clearly then, foundationalism, idealism, and pallibalism all fit together to prove that Neo can not be certain of the matrix, but only himself. Also it further explains how it is rational for him to believe that the matrix exists through his perception of the matrix and the knowledge he obtains when he is there. The growth of knowledge in Neo’s mind is possible what is his deception. The more he perceives could possible be more he is deceived. What we know about reality is all in our minds and if we can only be certain of ourselves and our own existence then the reality that we perceive and conceive does exist. So the answer is yes, Neo can know that he is in the matrix, but this does not necessarily mean the matrix exists. As far as Neo knows the matrix does exist and that he will return to what he thought was his reality later, knowing that there is more than just his world. Works Cited Newman, Lex, â€Å"Descartes’ Epistemology†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 1999 Edition), Edward N, Zalta (ed. ), URL= http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/spring1999/entries/Descartes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research Paper Chapter

Many companies introduce varieties of household cleaner and disinfectant that eliminate microorganisms effectively. Oxalic acid and Phenol acid are commonly found in household cleaner and disinfectant because they are the main ingredients in the elimination of the said microorganisms. Household cleaner and disinfectant nowadays are really expensive and contain many chemicals that might cause irritation to sensitive people.Eggplant (Solarium melange) is a species of nightshade commonly known in British English as barbering and also known Sebastian, bribing eggplant, melange, or Guiana squash. It bears a fruit of the same name that is widely used in cooking, most notably as an important ingredient in dishes such as mousse's and ratatouille. As a member of the genus Solarium, it is related to both the tomato and the potato. It was originally domesticated in India from the wild nightshade, the thorn or bitter apple, S. Incant. Oxalic acid and phenol acid occurs naturally in some plants i ncluding eggplant.Since eggplant contains Oxalic acid and Phenol acid which are the main ingredients in producing household disinfectant and cleaner the researchers name up with the idea on producing organic household cleaner and disinfectant out of eggplant. This product will help people that are sensitive in some products that contain high chemicals that irritate them. It will be cheaper than other commercially manufactured household cleaner and disinfectant that are sold in the market today. Background of the Study Nowadays, people have using different household disinfectant and cleaner that are expensive and less effective.This study aims to determine whether the Eggplant (Solarium melange) has the ability to be a good source of oxalic and phenol acid which are commonly used components for making household disinfectants and cleaners. Eggplant (Solarium melange) is rich in different vitamins that are useful in fighting diseases. Aside from being useful in fighting diseases, eggpl ants are also a rich sources of phenol acid that function as antioxidants which also contains a so-called chlorine acid. This is responsible for the eggplants' bitter taste when their flesh is cut.This is an enzyme called polyphony oxides that triggers a phenol acid that produces brown pigments. Eggplant s among a small number of foods that contain measurable amounts of oxalate's, a naturally occurring substances found in plants, animals, and human beings. When oxalate's become too concentrated in body fluids, they can crystallize and cause health problems. But this oxalate's is can also be used as cleaning purposes having a bleach-like quality that is perfect for making household disinfectant or control bacteria and germs.Overall, using eggplant in making household disinfectants and cleaners has benefits since it contain properties that can be used as an agent for cleaning. Research Problem: The study aims to determine the anti-bacterial properties of Oxalic acid and Phenol acid of eggplant (Solarium melange) . Sub- Problem: What is the zone of inhibition of the Blended and Boiled eggplant extract? Which is more feasible to use as a disinfectant? Blended or Boiled eggplant extract? Is the eggplant extract feasible to use as a Household Cleaner? Why?Hypothesis: Alternative: The oxalic acid and phenol acid of eggplants are effective disinfectants and cleaning agents. Null: The oxalic acid and phenol acid of eggplants are not effective disinfectants and cleaning agents. Significance of the Study This study wants to determine the feasibility of eggplant (Solarium melange) as cleaner and disinfectant. The results that would be gathered would be beneficiary to both the consumers and producers of products. The producers of products won't have to look for an expensive material, thus saving them money in production.The consumers would be able to have a product in a lower price and something produced out of a material they normally use only for food consumption. The ra rity of such product could also boost its standing in the market nowadays. There would also be little to no harm to the environment and to anyone who will use the product. Eggplant (Solarium melange) also known as barbering in British English is a species of nightshade, it is contains vitamins, minerals and Photosynthesis which aids in antioxidant activity. It contains 0. 9 g/grammas of Oxalic acid, an odorless, white crystalline solid that exists in its natural state in many plants ,a component of metal cleaning agents and a scouring agent in textile cleaning, striping and finishing, if inhaled or absorbed through skin can caused kidney damage among other things. Eggplants also contain phenol acid Plants form these compounds to protect against oxidative stress, as well as infection by bacteria and fungi. One of the active ingredients of some household disinfectant, is Phenols.Both of these compounds are contained by Eggplant (Solarium melange), which makes it an even better candida te for finding out it's possible usage as cleaner and disinfectant. It is cheap, abundant and environment-friendly. It could also be potentially good in terms of being in commercial market because of its unique ensues. Scope and Delimitation Scope The coverage of this study is to know about the effectiveness of an eggplant (Solarium melange) as cleaner and disinfectant. The objective of this study is to produce a cheaper disinfectant that is effective for household cleaning.The product is used to clean tight and dirty places and users of the product must be 7 years of age or above. Materials used for the disinfectant are body of the eggplant, water, Sodium Beneath (for durability), etc. That are mixed together by a blender. The study and the experimentation will be finished within a week. The purpose of the product is for cleaning and disinfecting. Delimitation The study does not cover the comparison of the effectiveness of the eggplant from other plants that can also be used as cle aner and disinfectant (such as calamines, etc. ).The study is not allowed to be conducted by any person below 1 0 years of age. The study does not include other dirty objects but only limited to tight and dirty places such as bathroom, etc. Definition of terms Conceptual Definition Blender – It is a kitchen and laboratory appliance used to mix,puree, or emulsify food and other substances. Boiling Method – It is the method of rapid vaporization of a liquid, which occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point, the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure exerted on the liquid by the surrounding environmental pressure.Chemicals – It is a form Of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. Alt cannot be separated into components by physical separation methods. Cleaner – It is a type of industrial or domestic worker who cleans homes or commercial premises for payment. Unlike other ser vants, their primary task is cleaning. Disinfectant – It is a substance that is applied to non-living objects to destroy microorganisms that are living on the objects. Eggplant – It is a species of nightshade commonly known in British English as barbering.It bears a fruit of the same name that is widely used in cooking, most notably as an important ingredient in dishes such as mousse's and ratatouille. Extraction – It is the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by physical or chemical means. Microorganisms – It is an organism that is microscopic. It includes bacteria, fungi, and prisons. Night shade – It is n economically important family of flowering plants. The family ranges from herbs to trees, and includes a number of important agricultural crops, medicinal plants, spices, weeds, and ornamental.Many members of the family contain potent alkaloids, and some are highly toxic, but many cultures eat nightshades, in some cases as a staple food. Oxalic – It is an organic compound with the formula HECTIC. It is a colorless crystalline solid that dissolves in water to give colorless solutions. It is classified as a diacritically acid. In terms of acid strength, it is much stronger than acetic acid. Oxalic acid is a reducing and its conjugate base, known as oxalate (CACHE-?), is a chelating agent for metal actions.Phenol- It is any analogous hydroxyl derivative of benzene. Shelf life – the length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use Sodium Beneath – It has the chemical formula Nachos; it is a widely used food preservative, with E number EYE 1 . It is the sodium salt of benzene acid and exists in this form when dissolved in water. It can be produced by reacting sodium hydroxide hedonistic acid. Benzene acid occurs naturally at low levels n cranberries, prunes, greengage plums, cinnamon, ripe cloves, and apples.Operational Definition Blender- It is an applianc e that will be used to mix the eggplant with water. Boiling Method- It is the method that will be used to extract the content of the eggplant by means of boiling it in ICC – ICC temperature. Chemicals- It is the substance that would be extracted from the eggplant. Cleaner- It is the product that would be made from the eggplant's extract. Disinfectant- It is the product that would be made from the eggplant's extract. Eggplant – It is the vegetable that would be used to make a household cleaner and disinfectant.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Lies My Teacher Told Me Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lies My Teacher Told Me - Assignment Example The true celebration was not for founding America, but from massacring natives.The first impact was the plague. Diseases from European animals like cowpox becoming smallpox, chickenpox, and other diseases. This created a plague that killed the Anishinaabe. The second impact was the taking of land. Land and resources once available became unavailable due to the settlers fences, armies, and settlements. Finally, another impact was the loss of life and freedom. Natives were enslaved or massacred. The Wampanoag people allied with the pilgrims due to the weakening of the tribe due to the plaque. After losing so many tribe members, the Wampanoag leader wanted to have help from other native tribes. He was especially concerned about the Narragansetts in the west. However, the Wampanoag tribe was decimated by a fresh outbreak of smallpox. By the time the tribe recovered a little bit, the settlers had taken over the land and villages once inhabited by the natives. The main difference between the natives and European worldviews was regarding nature. The Europeans believed territories and lands were made to conquer. Europeans did not just believe the land was to conquer but to be exploited as well. Gold, timber, sugar, crops, and other things could be mined from the new land. The natives believed that they did not own the land. They took what was needed, but left the rest. Europeans wanted dominance over nature. That was what man was put on Earth for. The natives did not want dominance, but peace with nature. This was the main difference between the two peoples.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analysis of the main forces driving the market for Essay

Analysis of the main forces driving the market for - Essay Example The first spike in the price of oil occurred in 1974, when the price of oil shot up to more than $10 a barrel as a result of the Arab embargo on oil owing to the Arab-Israeli war in September 1973. This was a significant event in the history of oil, as it demonstrated the power of oil in its impact on world economics and politics. (Williams, L.J. Oil Price History and Analysis). The period from 1974 to 1978 world oil prices remained more or less stable and turbulence free. Prices remained in the $12 to $14 a barrel range. (Williams, L.J. Oil Price History and Analysis). However two political incidents were soon to disturb this period of calmness. The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979 and a theocratic government with a strong anti-American stance emerged from this revolution in Iran. This was enough to trigger a sharp rise in the price of oil around the world and was compounded by the Iraqi invasion of Iran in 1980 and as a result oil prices jumped to $40 a barrel. (Sjuggerud, S. Dr. History of Oil: The Single Greatest Prize in All History). This spurt in oil prices was to have two reactions. Exploration for oil in countries outside the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) became more frenetic on one side and the OPEC countries increased production to stabilize prices leading to a drop in prices and by mid 1986 prices of oil dipped to as low as $10 a barrel with the increased production of oil outside the OPEC countries and within the OPEC countries. (Williams, L.J. Oil Price History and Analysis). In an effort to raise the low prices of oil, OPEC brought in a quota of production for the member countries and fixed a price objective of $18 a barrel in December 1986. This self enforced discipline by OPEC showed signs of failing even by early 1987, with member countries overshooting the production quotas

Beach Rental Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Beach Rental Case study - Assignment Example That will ensure that they have good accommodation and a good environment in which the students can be working from. The efficiency of the company can be done by measuring of the efficiency of workers in the company. The measurement of performance by employees is a critical thing for ensuring that there is success in the running of a business organization. The measurement of performance is done so as to ensure that the employees of a company provide value for the money that they earn. Performance may be measured by the number of hours worked or by the quality of work done or the output that accrues from an individual or group of employees. The report will give details of a number of performance measurement metrics that may be used by the Company. Performance measurement metrics The measurement of the performance of employees is a thing that is advantageous to the company. Performance measurement usually ensures that there is equitable distribution of incentives. The performance measu rement also ensures that there is increase in efficiency and productivity in the company. A performance metric that is effective should ensure that there is a gauge that is accurate and one that would ensure that the employees are valued according to their performance and output in the company. Productivity metrics One of the components of measuring the performance of a company or business is by the use of productivity. Productivity metrics usually measures the amount of work done by an employee within a specified time period. Employees usually have a different learning curve. That means that new employees would be less productive as compared to old and experienced employees. In a manufacturing company, productivity can be measured by the total output of an individual in a specified time period. In a sales department, productivity is usually measured by the total sales made by a single employee. Efficiency metrics Efficiency can be described as an attempt to increase on productivity by utilizing minimum resource or by the use of the most cost-effective method. Efficiency usually deals on cutting on time of production and the costs that are incurred during production. That can be done by the company introducing processes that are efficiency and using quality raw materials that are cheap so as to ensure that there is cost cutting. Training metrics Training among employees usually increase on the performance or productivity of employees. The training of employees would ensure that the employees use the most cost effective working processes. The training efforts should be quantified so as to measure the level of productivity that accrues from the training of employees. Goal setting The use of performance review systems that are collaborative usually ensure that supervisors and their juniors are able to set their own personal goals that should be achieved so as to increase the efficiency of the company or business. That can be termed as management by the use of obj ectives and that can be done so as to individually measure the performance of an employee. The employees of the company should undergo training so as to ensure that they are efficient enough in the execution of their roles in the business. Design process Analysis The first process that is involved in designing the training is analysis. The objectives and goals have to be analyzed so as to be able to develop the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Personal Statement - Essay Example working at a hedge fund as a junior trader in Goldwater Capital Corp, New York where my responsibilities include reconciling cash, positions, coupons, pay-downs, write-downs and wires for various cash accounts; handling daily and end-month accounting, third party administration, and audit work. I also have the responsibilities of closely examining and monitoring stock market on daily basis and I have initiated new trading strategies that have boosted the firm’s quarterly revenue. I have also worked with Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG) Accounting/ Advisory where I performed compliance attestation examinations on third-party recipients of the Universal Service Fund disbursements for a large government entity. My duties included obtaining and reviewing documentation and work papers, performing test procedures and documenting results, as well as managing workload and proactively communicating findings to KPMG engagement leadership and clients. Here, I gained immense knowledge on telecommunications accounting. I also performed attestation engagements in accordance with Yellow Book and Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) requirements in addition to participating in an agreed-upon procedure engagement for a third-party independent review in evaluating a newly implemented billing system and assisting the management in verifying the accuracy and completeness of invoices generated. My responsibilities included drafting the agreed-upon procedures, providing guidance to new hires, performing test procedures and documenting results, managing workload and proactively communicating findings to KPMG engagement leadership and clients. Here, I gained much knowledge on the nature of agreed-upon procedure engagements. In KPMG, I also participated in performing a payphone compensation attestation of a telecommunications service provider. My duties included performing and documenting audit procedures, obtaining and reviewing documentation, and testing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Book Report on Johnnie Cochran's book A Lawyer's Life Essay

Book Report on Johnnie Cochran's book A Lawyer's Life - Essay Example In order to better understand not only this particular piece of literature but as well the author, Johnnie Cochran himself, we must thoroughly address and discuss the most major and significant areas within this book, and as well any and all key related factors and issues that are involved here. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Cochran approaches a number of different issues in this book, and he tries to explain each one as thoroughly as he possibly can. The literature drifts from one legal matter to the next, really showcasing off his history of work, and one of the most major issues that he tries to bring to attention within it is the reasoning as to why so many African-Americans have a jaded view of the legal system overall. In the beginning of the book Cochran speaks about how he actually began in the business and how he considered himself as having derived "from conceptions of the lawyer embodied by both Dershowitz and Kunstler, leading to an awkward notion of the lawyer's vocation in which contradictory ideals are willfully joined and then corrupted for the sake of convenience (65). Cochran makes numerous different memorable and significant quotes throughout his book, including where he stated that "If one man cannot get a fair trial, no matter how hideous his crime or evil the man, none of us can be certain of getting a fair trial." (72). Another issue that Another issue that Cochran makes significant note of in this literature is in regards to Kunstler's romantic model of the activist lawyer, and he uses this to somewhat reference the strong identifications that he feels he shares with his clients. As he also states in the book, "I looked down and saw that my hands were shaking, not with apprehension but with the power of revelationBeing a lawyer means not only sharing the pain of other people's suffering but also accepting the burden of their trust. In the final moment, being a lawyer isn't about winning or losing. It's about keeping faith." (101). Cochran calculates quite exactly throughout the book, making references to at least parts of most of his cases as well as cases including other credible and notable lawyers, such as Kunstler, and he appeals incredibly to the Kunstler model in order to lay claim to being an African American leader. There is also a certain reliance that is shown by Cochran, particularly on that of the issue of political activism, especially when he feels that he should have evoked the legal process. One of the most significant issues that are discussed however is that of racism and about how his background has helped - and as well in ways negate - cases and other issues that took place during his career. As he states, "There's something in your background, in your character, that helps you understand that this is wrong. Maybe you are the right people, at the right time, at the right place, to say, 'No more, we are not going to have this. This is wrong'." (125). From this review we can conclude many different things, several which are of particular importance, and that includes the matter of racism and how Cochran feels that it is an issue within the judicial system. We truly get to grasp at least a remote idea of Cochran's background and history as a lawyer but more so we get to understand how he feels about being a lawyer and who the figures are in his life that have influenced him along the way. Although there are certainly parts throughout

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Essay Example This results effective staffing decisions and processes which leads to better performance of the employees. The overall purpose of developing HR policies is to ensure that organization is efficiently able to achieve short term as well as long term goals through its employees rather than technology advancement. Many organizations believe that concentrating on the development of technology is more beneficial for the productivity of the organization rather to concentrate on the effective employee management. But effective use of technology is more important than adopting the same and it needs recruitment and selection of efficient people for the organization (Armstrong, 2006, p.9). Management of human capital is done through five different stages. Human resource policies is effectively designed so that implementation of the policies in these five stages of human management can be efficiently to better performance of the employees as well as for the better productivity of the organizatio n. These stages are planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Planning is the first stage of human capital management and it develop the organizational structure and find valuable sources from where the organization can get efficient people through a cost effective process of recruitment (Barney & Wright, 1997, p.4). Effective design and application of policies in HR planning, recruitment and selections and their contributions towards effective staffing decisions and organizational effectiveness and decisions making- Critical Evaluation HR planning and systems can have a wide variety of implications in organizations and organizational effectiveness. In the modern society planning and efficiency accounts for some of the prerequisites for organizational effectiveness and performance. In fact all of the HR activities in an organization depend largely on HR planning which subsequently reflects through organizational performance and productivity. Researchers have provided with data and information with regards to the correlation between recruitment and selection procedure and candidates’ competence in organizations which leads to greater creative works, greater collaboration of activities and performance progress in the organization. Research scholars have out forth the fact that through the application of appropriate HR planning systems organizations can effectively influence the actions and contributions of employees and generate their social capital as the potential source of competitive advantage (Mossholder, Richardson & Settoon, 2011, p.34). However, HR systems have largely been restricted to their connections with organizational outcomes and not with individual level behaviors. That is why researchers have increasingly called for the need for understanding HR planning and its influence on employees, inter-relationships between them and performance (Mossholder, Richardson & Settoon, 2011, p.34). Researchers have specifically focused on t he role of HR planning on a firm’s competitive advantage. According to the views of Barney (1995), three basic resources can provide competitive advan

Friday, August 23, 2019

Economic Effects of Minimum Wage Fixation Essay

Economic Effects of Minimum Wage Fixation - Essay Example On the other hand, the efficiency wage model of labor observes that increasing the wages for the workers will motivate them to work even harder, while increasing their fear of losing their jobs which are well paying (Ehrenberg and Smith, 94). This boosts the morale of the workers and make them highly motivated while undertaking their duties, an aspect that increases their productivity, and by extension, the productivity of the firm and the whole industry. This way, more employment is created, since improved productivity comes with increased opportunities (Ehrenberg and Smith, 378). Thus, according to the efficiency wage model, fixing the minimum wage, to a level higher than the competitive wage level, will promote productivity and discourage labor turnover, thus increase employment. Therefore, assuming the employment will continue rising as it has happened since June 2009, the empirical researchers need to face the following issues, to distinguish the correlation between minimum wage and employment rates, from the causal effect of minimum wage on employment. First, the empirical researchers should understand the issue of market operations, whereby different types of markets will give different results, when it comes to the relationship between minimum wage and employment. For example, an open competitive market will give different results, compared to a monopsony market, when it comes to the correlation between minimum wage and employment (Ehrenberg and Smith, 112). Secondly, the researchers need to understand the nature of the movement of the wages and the maximum level attainable in minimum wage fixation, before the correlation between the minimum wage and the employment changes from...This essay critically review the impacts of the introduction of the theoretic concept of minimum wage fixation into the real economy. This concept has had double impacts on employment and the economy at large. While the main idea behind fixing minimum wage that workers should b e paid is to make the lives of the workers better, through affording them a substantial income, it may affect the same workers, especially those with low skills negatively According to the standard competitive model of labor, fixing a minimum wage has the impact of increasing unemployment, through he creation of involuntary unemployment, where individuals can continuously apply concerted efforts o seek for a job but find none The case is different according to the Monopsony model of labor, which holds that the fixation of minimum wages has the effect of increasing employment, most especially when the wage is being increased from levels lower than the competitive wage, to reach the competitive wage levels On the other hand, the efficiency wage model of labor observes that increasing the wages for the workers will motivate them to work even harder, while increasing their fear of losing their jobs which are well paying The minimum wage can only go high, up to the competitive wage level, after which it will start having negative impacts. An increase in wage level from levels lower than the competitive levels has the impact of boosting the morale of the workers and increasing their levels of motivation, thus increasing their productivity, and consequently that of the firms

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Professional Ethics Essay Example for Free

Professional Ethics Essay I believe Gail would not report this event to her superiors or discipline her subordinates. She would not make any amends or take action because of the lack of moral courage or strength she possesses since it takes big courage to raise a voice for the prisoners. She lacks this moral courage because of the integrity, vision and personal independence which make up the courage in an individual. Gail needs to have a good moral courage in order to do the right thing. Even if she realized the dilemma faced by the prisoners who were manhandled, she did not possess the courage to complain about this treatment being given to the prisoners. In other words, she lacked integrity in doing the right thing. Because of this weak personal integrity on her part, Gail didn’t feel courageous enough to report about this event. Since vision comes from having seen the actions of others and their consequences, Gail’s vision contributed to her weak moral character with no courage. She saw that the soldiers who had previously reported for the abuse were disciplined themselves first or were not listened to by the superiors. Moreover, one of them had to leave his home town and live the rest of his life with another identity. This led to form weak moral character in her personality. Because of no personal independence she didn’t feel independent enough to make the report to the seniors. She had been taken from the CPA firm to serve in the USA army which doesn’t seem to be her independent decision. Moreover, the consequences she had witnessed of those who reported before didn’t give her courage to report about the matter.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Scott Electronics plcs Essay Example for Free

Scott Electronics plcs Essay To what extent do you think that Scott Electronics plc’s current human resources strategy is effective? (18) Human resource strategy is how a business sees its employees from different business point of view and they are seen as resources to complete the business objectives. Firstly the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is very effective because the firm’s labour productivity is very high with 105 compared to the industry average which is 100. This is very effective as it shows the level of recruitment and the staff the business is recruiting is doing very well which has a positive effect in the recruitment section therefore this will make the company recruit more staff which will increase the productivity of the business. Also the bonuses which is 40% and its 20% higher than the industry average, this shows that the bonuses are keeping the firms employees motivated and it drives them to work harder which mean there will be a increase in productivity and if productivity increases it will have a positive effect on the sales revenue as the company will sell more items which will increase the sales revue and profit. Also another reason why the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is very effective because it has a very unique centralised organisational structure. A centralised structure is where the entire decision making is done from the top of the hierarchy. This is an effective strategy because the entire decision making can be done from the main person who is in charge and it can be done very quickly without going through any difficulties. This is very effective because staff can work through the business objective rather than stressing on the extra responsibility they have on their shoulders which will make them stress free and become more productive. Also they can be told what to do and the managers will have control over their workforce so that employees are less likely to make mistakes or make wrong decisions which will make a negative impact the on the businesses performance. However the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is not that effective because high numbers of employees are on temporary contract which is 75% compared to the industry average which is 25%. This is bad for the business because it will make employees feel that the job security is not there and they are not guaranteed the job which the business can tell the employees that they are not in need and the employees will go away, therefore this might result in the employees not very motivated to do well and they might not think as if they are involved with the business. Also employees on temporary contract are more likely to leave the business as the labour turnover rate is at 10% which is higher than the industry average which is 6%. This is human resource strategy is ineffective because it lead to employees leaving the business every year and the business is losing experienced and valuable staff. Also another reason the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is not that effective because the training budget is below the industry average as Scott electronics training cost is ? 500 compared to the industries average which is ? 1000. This shows that the staff are not that well trained and most of the staff don’t know what they are doing sometimes or they might not know how the company operates as high level of training was not provided. This lead to the amount of defect products increased as the staffs were not well trained and they kept making mistakes therefore the numbers of defects products increased. This is one of my strongest reasons because staffs need to be well trained before they can start the job as they will know what they are doing and how they are going to carry out each task according the company structures of dealing with things. Therefore the staff need to be well trained and the business needs to increase its amount on training the staff which will allow the business to have staff that know what they are doing and make less mistakes as this will cause the staff to make less defect products. In conclusion I think that the human resources strategy is very effect to the business because average span of control for Scott’s electronic is 5 and industry average is 8. This has a greater advantage to the specific business because it will allow the business mangers to control their staff and monitor the progress which the manager can set targets and the targets can be analysed to see if they have reached the targets this will increase the productivity of the business as targets are reached and mangers have better control over their staff and the business. However I think that the current human resource strategy is not that effective to the business because the firm’s defected products are 10% and the industry average is 5% which is doubled the amount. Therefore you can tell that the strategy is not that effective as the staffs are making a lot of mistakes which will cost the business as the raw materials cost money to buy. Also this indicates that strategy is failing as staff are not well trained or may not experienced enough to work in the field which the bale goes the firms recruitment policy as the firm could have employed experienced staff which could have reduced the level of defected products.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cross Functional Enterprise System

Cross Functional Enterprise System SWOT Analysis is a tool used to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats environment of Aalsmeer Flower Auction. Table 1 below shows the strengths and weaknesses within the company, and the opportunities and threats faced by Aalsmeer Flower Auction. 1.2 Information Requirements The board of Aalsmeer Flower Auction requires an information system that could help to support its e-business activities. It is important for the company to view information systems as a set of technologies that will support efficient business operations, work groups and enterprise collaboration in order to success (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.44). Hence, the company needs to know the information requirement in order to set up an electronic auction market. Hardware and software are the main information requirement. It is use to perform input, processing and output activities of the business. Once the hardware and software are installed, the company needs to consider whether the end users familiar with the system and understand how to use the system. Beside that, the company has to ensure that users security when using the system. For instant, when buyers make their online payment, they make sure that their credit cards are safe and cannot be hack. Furthermore, maintenance of the system is important information that the company needs to know in order to keep the system operational. (Scribd, 2011) 2.0 The New System and Objectives 2.1 Cross-Functional Enterprise System An enterprise system is essential to an organization to ensure information can be shared across all business function (Stair Reynolds, 2008, p.220). Aalsmeer Flower Auction may develop an integrated cross-functional enterprise system that cross the boundaries of the traditional business and organization functions (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.250). The purpose of this system is to reengineer and improve vital business processes all across the enterprise (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.250). Besides that, cross-function enterprise system is view as a strategic way to share information resources and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, and develop strategic relationships with customers, suppliers, and business partners (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.250). This system are integrated by enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM). The company will be also using the World Wide Web and their intranets and extranets as a technology platform for their cross-functional and interenterprise information system (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.250). With this system, it enables the company to fulfill its objectives. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an integrated computer-based system designed to integrate and automate many internal business processes and information flows within the company such as integrated logistics, production planning, accounting and finance, sales distribution and human resource function of the company (, 2011). The key objective of an ERP system is to integrate information and view real-time of its core business process from all functional divisions of the company in a single database (, 2011). All information is flow from one system to another automatically with no repetition of entry and thus suppliers, customers and other business partners can access to current and consistent data (Accurate, 2005). With this system, the company can reduce the transaction costs. Running more efficient and effective operation like production management, supply chain and customer relationship management into one streamlined process where everything can be accessed through one enterprise wide information network, and enhance management decision making (, 2011). After implementing ERP system, the company can transform the way they conduct their business and thus achieving the initial objective of the e-business activities. Supply Chain Management (SCM) The implementing of supply chain management (SCM) system is to create a demand driven organization by connecting an extending value chain, streamline traditional supply chain process and eliminating non value added activities (CiteMan Network, 2008-2011). Increasingly, SCM is accomplished using the internet and electronic marketplace to reengineer and streamline traditional supply chain processes (Stair Reynolds, 2008, p.26). The objective of SCM system is create customer value leading to increase organization profitability, shareholder value, and sustained competitive advantage in the long run (MBA Knowledge Base, 2011). Besides that, SCM is to help the company achieve agility and responsiveness in meeting the demands of its customers and needs of its suppliers using a fast, efficient, and low-cost of network business relationships or supply chain (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.315). In the long run, the initial objectives of the e-business activities to redefine the value chain to reduce transaction costs accomplished. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) To help the company to deliver an excellent customer serving processes in sales, marketing and product service, customer relationship management (CRM) system is recommended (OBrien, 2002, p. 130). The main objective of this system is to build and maintain valuable relationships with the customers, to increase profits and become more competitive (Exforsys, 2000-2011). CRM system will capture key customer data and enable the company to use that data effectively at each stage of the customer relationship (Customer Connect, 2006-2009). In the sales process, CRM tracks customer contacts for cross-selling and up-selling (OBrien, 2002, p. 130) as well as translate the salespeoples skills into institutional knowledge (Customer Connect, 2006-2009). Besides that, CMR helps the company to plan and execute the marketing effort efficiently (Customer Connect, 2006-2009). Furthermore, CRM helps customer service managers quickly create, assign and manage service requests (OBrien, 2002, p. 130). In short, CRM system helps to manage the business effectively, reduce costs and support a total customer care. 2.2 Information Strategies To obtain major advantages over the competitive forces it faces in the global marketplace, strategic information systems are required and the use of internet technologies are essential to gain competitive advantage. 2.2.1 Cost Leadership Strategy Cost leadership strategy concerned with delivering the lowest possible products and services. The company can help the suppliers and customer to reduce their costs such as transaction process, warehousing and shipping costs by implementing online auction and online ordering. Internet is the primary information technology infrastructure that supports e-business applications (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p12). Aalsmeer Flower Auction can use an electronic auction website as information strategy to connect buyers and sellers from all over the globe. Trading on the internet allows the company to reach a larger number of potential customers and suppliers in a shorter time and reaching customers for a low cost per transactions (Kumar and Feldman, n.d). Web auction is easy to use. It allows million of buyers to participate in the live auction which occurs around the world at the same time via online without attending in the auction hall. Buyers will feel convenience and it is the fastest way to make their bid. There is also an auto bid buying method, where it benefits for buyers who have no time to participate in the live auction (, 1995-2011). The company can implement an online ordering which change its traditional way of selling. Online ordering allows customers to place their order through website. With this service, customers are able to make their order anytime because the website provides 24 hours. Besides that, internet enables Aalsmeer Flower Auction to showcase all the products and provide up-to-date information to customers. In short, online auction and online ordering can substantially lower costs, reduce lead times, and improve the quality of services provided. 2.2.2 Differentiation Strategy The company is said to have competitive advantage when it delivers different products or services from its competitors. Aalsmeer Flower Auction could provide an online customer design, where customers are allowed to have more option and opportunities to customize based on their own preference. Buyers can buy the bunch which allows them to order in smaller quantities. There are some advantages of buying in smaller quantities. First, retailers can access to a wide variety of fresh products all the time. Second, retailers can buy frequently and require several varieties in small volumes. At the same time, they have flexibility to mix and match any products they like, and choose the colour they wish to have. (, 1995-2011) Besides that, buyers can also select the time schedule when they want to make their delivery. These have satisfied customer tastes which they wish for fresher products, more varieties, smaller quantities and multiple deliveries each week. In addition, online transaction processing system plays a strategic role in electronic commerce. The company can use internet that tie them electronically to their customers and suppliers for online transactions processing (OLTP). In online processing, data are processed immediately after a transaction occurs, which will help to provide superior service to customers and other trading partners. (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.256) With this system, company goals can be reached. Reducing transaction costs, running more efficient and effective operation, add value to their products, and give them an importance way to differentiate themselves from the competitors. 3.0 System Development Methodology A system development methodology refers to the framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of developing an information system (Centers for Medicare Medicaid services, 2005). 3.1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) One method of using system approach to develop information system solution is system development life cycle (SDLC). The waterfall model is one of the methodologies that the company can practice. Diagram 2: The waterfall model Investigation Analysis Design Implementation Maintenance Source: Startvbdotnet, 2004-2010 3.1.1 System Investigation The systems investigation stage requires the development of feasibility study, which assesses technical, economic, legal, operation and schedule feasibility (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.449). Feasibility study is used to test the proposed system, meeting users requirements, and effective use of resources and cost effectiveness (Scribd, 2011). Technical feasibility concerned with whether the hardware, software and other system components can be required or developed to solve the problem. Economic feasibility is the most important study that determines the cost and benefits of the proposed system makes financial sense. If benefits are found to be more than costs, then the analyst decides to continue the development of the proposed system otherwise considers it economically not feasible. (MBA Knowledge Base, 2011) Legal feasibility determines whether laws or regulations can prevent or limit a systems development project. Legal feasibility involves an analysis of existing and future law to determine the likelihood of legal action against the systems development project and possible consequences (Stair Reynolds, 2008, p.351). During operational feasibility study, it is determined whether the system will operate in the way that user wants. It depends upon human resources whether the qualified and experienced manpower is available for the development and implementation of the system. Furthermore, schedule feasibility determines whether the project can be completed within the time frame. If it takes too much time it is likely to be rejected. (MBA Knowledge Base, 2011) 3.1.2 System Analysis Diagram 3: The problems solving steps Define and understand the problem Develop alternative solutions Choose the best solution Implement the solution System analysis Source: Laudon and Laudon, 2009, p.372 Define and understand the problem One of the problems faced by Aalsmeer Flower Auction is that they are still using the traditional way which is floricultural value chain to sell flowers and plants to customers. The company has to stay competitive align with the emergence of alternative, electronically driven flower markets. Besides that, the company has to collect and arranges all the flowers and plans, and gathers all suppliers and buyers in the auction hall before auction can take place. This method of doing business is very costly and time consuming. Furthermore, retailers request for fresher products, more varieties, smaller quantities and multiple deliveries each week in order to satisfy the changing of customers tastes, thus the demand have more influence on supply. The company must react to these changes to support its business processes and to connect with suppliers and customers, hence changing from traditional way to an electronic way to trade flowers and plants. Develop alternative solutions After determining the problems, the next step is to develop alternative solutions. The alternative solutions put forward to solve the problems is to streamline the existing processes that rely on manual procedures, custom-build a software using Microsoft Access or implement an online transaction processing system. Choose the best solution to be implemented The company then must choose the best solution. If the company would like to choose the first solution, however, if given a large numbers of flowers and plants orders, as well as relationship with manufacturers and shippers, redesigning and streamlining a manual ordering and delivery process would not have provided many benefits. If the company would like to choose the second solution, the disadvantage is time consuming, expensive in terms of the programming costs plus the purchase of hardware, software and networking equipment to run the system and link it to the Internet. Although it is very costly, but it is useful using the Microsoft Access because it can provides a fast and accurate data when the numbers of orders are taken. If the company chooses the third solution which is using the online transaction processing system that provides templates and tools for creating simple database system in very short time, provides the hardware for running the application and website and can be accessed by many different users over the web. After determining the advantages and disadvantages each of the alternative solutions, the third alternative solution is the most feasible and best solution that the company can applied. 3.1.3 System Design The purpose of system design is to create a technical solution that satisfies the functional requirements for the system (NYS project management guidebook, n.d.). A data flow diagram (DFD) is being used to show the flow of data through an information system (iReference, 2008-2011). It consists of four components, they are processes, data stores, external entities, and data flows. Diagram 4 below illustrates the data flow diagram of an online ordering system that the company can applied. In process 1.0, customer detail and information are collected and store as member file. After verifying members information, process 2.0 will verify the order items that customers have selected. It then stores the order items information into items file. Besides that, process 2.0 will also updates all the validated orders and store as daily order. Lastly, in process 3.0, the orders are ready to print out the invoice and shipping list. All the invoice and shipping list will than pass to the order processing department to print and later ship the products to customers. 3.1.4 System Implementation A few tasks need to be completed before the system is installed and ready to operate. The system implementation stage involves hardware and software acquisition, testing of programs, conversion of data resources and training. (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.464) Acquiring hardware and software To obtain the component for an information system, Aalsmeer Flower Auction needs to purchase the new system, computers and networking hardware. It also needs a computer program that governs the operation of the computer (Scribd, 2011). When acquiring the software, it needs to make sure that the application software is supported by the hardware. Testing of programs System testing may involve testing and debugging software, testing website performance, and testing new hardware (OBrien Marakas, 2008, p.472). Several forms of testing should be used, including testing each program (unit testing), testing the entire system of programs (system testing), testing the application with large amount of data (volume testing), and testing all related system together (integration testing), as well as conducting any tests required by the user (acceptance testing) (Stair Reynolds, 2008, p.367). When all managers are satisfied the new system meets the standards, the transaction processing system is accepted for installation. Data conversion Data conversion involves making sure that all files and databases are ready to be used with new computer software and systems (Stair Reynolds, 2008, p.366). Direct strategy is used. This strategy is the simplest conversion strategy which replaces the old system with the new system. Training The company needs to consider whether the end users are have the appropriate skill and experience to use the new business system. There will be an online practice area with step by step instruction guide for user to practice entering data into the system. 3.1.5 System Maintenance Maintenance is required after the installation of software that is performed to keep the system operational (, 2007-2011). System maintenance involves checking, changing, and enhancing the system to make it more useful in achieving use and organization goals (Stair Reynolds, 2008, p.367). The organizations database must be maintained so that information updated and errors can be eliminated in the system. Consequently maintenance enables users to use the system more efficient and more effective. Other enhancements include capabilities for paying for orders more rapidly, and entering the orders information without waiting for a specified starting date. 4.0 Impact and effectiveness of new system 4.1 Organization Changing new way of doing business to an e-business with the implementation of new information system, Aalsmeer Flower Auctions objective can be achieved easily. The impact included bringing new opportunities and competitive advantages, managing business changes, reducing transaction costs for long term period, increasing market share, and strengthen the link with wholesalers and retailers. The company gain competitive advantage with the developing of website to trade the products via internet compare to their competitors who do not offer this service. This new way of doing business allows the company to reach globally. Thus, increase market share of Aalsmeer Flower Auction. Besides that, the company also can strengthen the customer-supplier relationship. With e-business, the company does not need a large warehouse space to store the flowers and plants, hence, reducing transaction costs. However, the company is having a high investment because they need to purchase new system. The organization is also facing a high risk due to the first time setting up the new system and afraid that the system does not function well. 4.2 Management With electronic system of doing work, information can flow easily, directly and rapidly from buyer to seller because electronic connection and communications are already establish (Scribd, 2011). The management has the effectiveness of using the computerized to reduce the paper workload as well. All reports, payments, and invoices can be printed out easily from the computer. The documents also can be done in a systematic way and organized the workloads effectively. The reports also can be generated and updated automatically by the system in every week. Following this, the effectiveness of using the computerized is to help the management to generate planning with a fastest way. The management first needs to forecast the customers demand and forecast orders. After forecasting, they must plan how many quantities of flowers and plants to order from the suppliers in order to get enough quantities. As a result, all the information from the computer comes out with the easiest and accurate data. 4.3 Employees Employees in Aalsmeer Flower Auction now have to adopt the new way of doing business by using internet technology. However, this is the first time of trading in Flower Auction so it is possibility that employees do not have the required knowledge about e-business. E-business required skilled people and have knowledge about information system so that the organization can operate successfully without failure. Therefore, employee training and development program is necessary. (Scribd, 2011) 5.0 Conclusion Although the company will face a high risk due to the first time setting up new system, suppliers, customers and employees will benefit from the new information system. With the use of information technology and new system the company manages to thrive with todays highly competitive and dynamic business environment. Buyers can easily make their bid and order online. Suppliers no longer need to transport their flowers and plants to the auction hall as the pictures of the flowers and plants will be display in the internet. And lastly, Aalsmeer Flower Auction still plays their role as market mediator. (Scribd, 2011)

Theme In Antigone :: essays research papers

Antigone, by Sophocles, is a play that has three major themes. All three of these themes play a very important part in this play. The three major themes are fate, love, and pride. Oedipus had killed his father, king of Thebes, not knowing it was his father and then took over Thebes. He married Iocaste, queen of Thebes (his mother), and had four children; one was a girl named Antigone. When Oedipus had figured out who he was and what he had done he moved away and cut out his eyes. Iocaste's cousin, Creon, had taken over as king of Thebes. He had made Oedipus' two sons, Eteocles and Polyneices, enemies of each other and they killed each other. Creon denied Polyneices proper burial because he was an enemy and that where this play begins.Fate is what had gotten the family of Oedipus where we begin this play. Fate is why Oedipus had killed his father, marry his mother, and then find out all about it. Fate then tortured Oedipus and he cut out his eyes. Fate had made Creon new king of Thebes and then have Oedipus' sons kill each other. Antigone's fate was to die trying to honor her dead brother and be loyal her family. In the first paragraph of the play it reads, "My darling sister Ismene, we have had a fine inheritance from Oedipus. God has gone through the whole range of sufferings and piled them all on us, -grief upon grief, humiliation upon humiliation". This tells just how bad fate had treated the family of Oedipus. Creon's fate though was to lose all of his family and live the rest of his life knowing it was his entire fault. In the end of the play Creon says, " Nobody else to share the blame. Just me... I killed you. I killed you my dear.Love is what had gotten Antigone in this problem. Her love for her brother was so great that she sacrificed her life for the respect that his deserved. Haemon's love for Antigone had made him kill himself when he found her dead body. Creon's wife's love for Haemon had made her kill herself when she found out Haemon had killed himself. In the end because of all this Creon was the one that was denied love.Pride is what had gotten Creon in the mess that he was in. His pride was so great that he couldn't even admit that maybe he was wrong.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Florida Everglades Essay -- Geology

THE EVERGLADES: RIVER OF GRASS The Everglades, also known as the River of Grass, is one of South Florida's most treasured areas. It is an area still full of wonder and mystery. The Everglades is lined with a specific type of limestone bedrock formed by tiny organisms called byrozoans. These animals, though not related to coral, act like coral by extracting dissolved limestone from the sea water around them and using it to construct protective chambers in which to live. They then attach to various kinds of sea grasses on the ocean floor and coat them as well. Individual chambers combine together to form rock-like structures. Over thousands of years, when South Florida was completely submerged, a vast amount of this limestone combined with other ocean sediments and was laid down over the area now covered by the Everglades. Prior to the draining activities of humans and its use as an agricultural area, the Everglades was flooded about nine to eleven months of the year. It also lost only about 0.03 inches of soil per year. After the drainage the Everglades began losing soil at approximately 1 inch per year. Now, however, it is only losing 0.56 inches per year. In the Everglades there are a variety of different animals and species that seem to be able to thrive in the same habitat. The truth is that due to elevation differences, and therefore differences in the water level, the Everglades is really an area of interconnecting, but different habitats. One of the more important habitat areas is actually created by one of the Everglades most famous inhabitants – the alligator. The alligators move in and out of holes (depressions) in the limestone described above. By doing this they keep this area lower than the rest ... ...restore natural lands. The federal, state, and local governments are joining forces to bring these pristine natural lands back to their original splendor and beauty. "The question of why we should protect the Everglades has now evolved into how we should restore the Everglades," according to Suzie Unger. "Everglades National Park is the largest remaining sub-tropical wilderness in the continental United States and has extensive fresh and saltwater areas, open Everglades prairies, and mangrove forests. Abundant wildlife includes rare and colorful birds, and this is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles exist side by side. The park is 1,506,539 acres (606,688 hectares) in size. It is a World Heritage Site, an International Biosphere Reserve, and a Wetland of International Significance," according to the following website:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of Propaganda: First Theories of Decoding and Effects Essay

1) assumptions In this paper I discuss several assigned articles with regard to the assumptions, focus, time and space contexts, stated purpose, and comparison between certain articles. Except for one article, all articles in this weekly reading are assumed to use post-structuralist paradigm. In their article, Lobao & Meyer (2001) encourage the readers to use combination of macro, meso, and micro approach in understanding agricultural transformation rather than only macro approach. For example, they urge the Human Ecology Theory (PEP), which is micro theory about individual’s adaptation to the dynamic of environment like population density, culture and technologies, and bio-physical environment. They criticize the PEP paradigm as heavily oriented in structural approach, neglecting the dynamic of socio-psychological factors of individual and social practices. For Lobao & Meyer, micro level of the household dynamic is crucial to understand the survival mechanism of the smallholder farmers to seek â€Å"strategic business behavior† (p. 112). Moreover, gender division, particularly with regard to the struggle of women in on-farm and off-farm activities is important. The Lobao and Meyer’s article also highlights the regional context of agri-related policies, such as agricultural loans which tend to be biased to certain ethnic groups, a fact that may be overlooked by the PEP. For comparison, Bernstein’s article is also in similar vein, in which he looks at the case of Green Revolution in India as not â€Å"resource neutral† (p. 61), by giving more access to the richer farmers to any program innovation packages (like credits, supply of inputs, and information). Lobao & Meyer’s article’s on famers’ action in politic to defend their interests ... ...le. Similarly, but with different case, Pechllaner and Otero (2008) describe the recent case resistance of the Mexican toward the introduction of biotech foods by international companies via trade liberalization. To sum up, while most of the articles have similar post-structural paradigm --which assume that local and regional factors are crucial factors in understanding agricultural transition— the focus of study, time-space contexts, and purpose of study, are different. The articles provide excellent perspectives and various examples in different time and across geographical boundaries regarding the needs of assessing the complexity of agricultural stakeholders, particularly the struggle of farmers as individual, household, or community (including the food consumers), to adapt with the change of external forces, which influence their livelihoods and interests.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Darden case study Essay

1. Using the full spectrum of segmentation variables, describe how Darden segments and targets the sit-down dining market. The types of segmentation include geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation. For geographic segmentation, Darden has all of its Longhorn Steakhouse restaurants in the eastern half of the United States but they are trying to expand to the west coast. This is a great idea because out west is an untapped market with great potential for lots of earnings. Darden has a chance to redefine the image of steakhouses as is currently being done like the classiness that is being added to the brand. The customer traffic is increasing and Longhorn Steakhouse could potentially even overtake Outback Steakhouse as the premier steakhouse type of restaurant. For demographic segmentation, Red Lobster represents the opportunity Darden has to fill the gap between the young fast food concept and the upscale white-tablecloth restaurants. Red lobster is even making many changes to accommodate for the changing times around America which is causing sales to fall. With innovative concepts such as wood fired grilling resulting in a â€Å"taste of wood-grilled seafood† and investments in equipment and training, Darden is putting itself back in the spotlight to becoming recognized and respected. You can also never go wrong with fried shrimp so Red Lobster will always have that marketing card to play. The Psychographic segmentation is shown by how people want to feel positive emotions when they go out to restaurants such as the concept of a happy family and namely the mythical Italian family. Customers want to feel emotionally satisfied as much as they want to be physically satisfied by the food. Creating an authentic menu hits close to home because people get that warm and happy feeling when they see the authenticity. Even Olive Garden’s commercial â€Å"When you’re here, you’re family† and slogan show the feelings of connection that Americans want to feel and would be willing to come in for. Behavioral segmentation is shown in how less frequently Americans want to sit down at restaurants to eat their meals. With all of our financial constraints we are choosing different and more cost effective ways to eat out and have a good time with the family. Darden needs to use more cost effective ways to lower the meal prices so that family’s will once again be willing to eat out at a sit down restaurant on a regular basis.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Love Can Change the World Essay

Love can change the world. Not the romantic, head-over-heels kind of love, but selfless love. Selfless love is giving of yourself, your time, and your resources for the benefit of others. It is caring about others’ quality of life and helping those in need. Changing the world will not happen by introducing people to a formula or giving them ten steps to make their lives better, but by showing them our love. What makes us human is our capacity to love. Love is that quality that erases prejudice and moves us to forgive, gives us peace of mind in a turbulent world, and keeps us sane. This kind of love starts with having compassion. When we live selfishly we have no concern for anyone else. All we care about is pleasing ourselves, and people around us often get hurt. Eventually we start using people and stepping on their toes because it makes us feel better or it advances us in our career or our popularity. We see no problem with using others because it benefits us and we do not even think about how they might feel. We do not care about those who suffer those who starve to death, or the people who are dying because they cannot go see a doctor. We do not think about others because we are too consumed with our own lives, because we have no love for anyone but us. What are the results of being so self-centered? India is the largest democratic country in the world, yet people suffer from depression, pain, and false relationships. People are confused because they can have anything and everything they ever wanted. They work their whole lives to please themselves, but they cannot figure out why that does not satisfy them. People are still left empty and looking for something else. We rarely stop to consider what we could do to make our world a better place. If we tried, we might Just be blessed beyond imagination, and those who suffer would be taken care of. We have to take our eyes off ourselves o see the needs of others and to allow ourselves to feel compassion for them. We must have love. When we love, we will want to reach out to others, build relationships, and make a difference in the world around us. Love can move mountains. It can shake the foundation on which people live. Love can work miracles in the hearts of those who receive it, and we have the power to give it. Love sees broken souls and heals them. Love hears plaintive cries and answers. Love discerns a need and fulfills it. Love does not see color, race or features; love sees people. Just think what we can accomplish if everyone loved unselfishly? Sometimes, because f our experiences in life, we forget how to love but we should always remember that without love we lose the most important part of us. Without each person’s love, the world is poorer and our hearts become, Just an ice box. The power of love knows no boundaries, no walls. Love does not ask for anything in return. It is at times a self-sacrificing gift but it is given freely. For when we give love and see the difference that one act of love can make, the feeling is priceless, indescribable. And in that one moment, we get a glimpse of the power contained in each of us, the the power of our love working in unison, the power to change the world.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Feminism in South Park

Introduction South Park has been around for a while now. Since it was aired for the first time on 13th August 1997, the show has constantly pushed the boundaries taking on everything, leaving out nothing. The reception among the wider population and the media had a wide range from â€Å"shocking† to â€Å"excellent†. One of the aspects of this success story is that, because of its provocative tone the show has managed to stay in the limelight.Public debate was evolving around certain episodes, bringing more and more attention to the show. As it was constantly picking up contemporary themes, topics or events, expectations were growing and â€Å"‘How will South Park deal with x' has become a common catch phrase† Oohnson-Woods 257). Another reason why South Park is so appealing is its humour which is absolutely unrestricted and irreverent Oohnson-Woods 257). Seemingly, the creators of the show do not set any boundaries for themselves, taking on everything and everybody.Even public fgures and celebrities are not spared. The viewer witnesses events like Barbara Streisand mutating into a giant, destructive monster, Martha Stewart taking a turkey up her ectum, or Ben Affleck having a sexual affair with a nine-year old boy. People apparently enjoy the stylistic, humorous and critical social approach of the show, making it the most successful satire so far. Being full of toilet humour and foul language, South Park is pushing â€Å"the boundaries of good taste. Few shows have dared to go where South Park goes† Oohnson-Woods 244). It is also full of introspect and unbiased social commentary' (Khodasevich 2) and is characterized by its libertarian attitude, which is granting freedom to everyone and especially to itself. As it is a satirical approach to social conventions. South Park tries to make a point on various discourses within our society by â€Å"filtering these problems through children† Oohnson-Woods 163, 164). These childr en are a group of elementary school boys, namely Stan Marsh, the normal kid, Kyle Broflovski, a Jew, Eric Cartman, the fat and selfish kid and Kenny McCormick, who is the timid kid dying in every episode without further recognition.There's also several other characters that get developed throughout the seasons. However, it is interesting to point out that it is mostly male characters that grow. Female characters in the show are prevalently portrayed â€Å"as he boys mothers, classmates, and authority fgures†, and do â€Å"rarely develop past a specific role† (Khodasevich 2). This very fact, among others, â€Å"raises many red flags† among feminists (Miller 177). Furthermore feminist criticism is extended to the vulgar language and the derogatory words that are used in labelling females.Also the prevalent sexual inequality between men and women, namely the sexual objectification that is supposedly depicted makes the show a target for feminist criticism. So seemin gly, feminists rarely do belong to the wide fan-base of the show. However, the show is actually, despite the hateful, vulgar, and derogatory language which is often misinterpreted and misunderstood and therefore labeled misogynist, incorporating feminist standpoints and theories like the objectification of women, patriarchal views and stereotypical gender roles, and strongly supporting them.As sometimes† (177). 2. South Park and Feminism â€Å"South Park is a show that can either be considered as â€Å"cruelly funny and hysterically satirical [†¦ that] took animation one step backwards and five steps forward intellectually,† or as â€Å"degrading toilet humour, depending on your point of iew' Oohnson-Woods X'). This description by Johnson-Woods is perfectly serving as a transition to the main part of this paper. Is it â€Å"intellectually' challenging or is it simply â€Å"degrading† nonsense that feminists and feminist critics can not endorse? . 1 Use of Language Many feminist critics are focused on the derogatory and vulgar language in South Park. The choice of words is, for the most part of the series, bound to swearing and oaths which are mainly used by the male charactersl . Words like â€Å"bitch†, â€Å"whore† â€Å"chicks† or â€Å"cunt† are seen as generalizing terms for women, used to degrade their tatus within in the series and thereof for women in real life. This assumption might be conceivable, as most women in the TV-show are far from using comparable phrases to describe men.There are simply less words which would have the same descriptive and generalizing effect as the above-mentioned terms used for women. However, women in South Park are not expelled from using derogatory and vulgar language. Robin Lakoffwrote in his book Language and Woman's Place that little girls should not use rough language like boys because this would not enhance their status and prestige among men within the patriar chal system. In fact it would expose females to ridicule and ostracising (5).Within this scope South Park makes a feminist stand in â€Å"Tom's Rhinoplasty' (episode 11 of the first season). When Wendy Testaburger is, driven by Jealousy to the new class teacher Ms Ellen approaching her after class to have a word with her, she Just explodes with furious swearing and threatening. Wendy: Miss Ellen, can I talk to you Ms. Ellen: Of course Wendy. Wendy: I couldn't help but notice that you taking a liking in my boyfriend Stan Ms. Ellen: Well IVe taken a liking in all of you. You're all so young and cute and full of life.